
Obstetrical Care

Board Certified OB/GYN, Gynecology & Robotic Surgery located in Norman, OK
Obstetrical Care
Obstetrical Care services offered in Norman, OK

The obstetrical care offered at Women’s Healthcare of Norman in Norman, Oklahoma, is built on the philosophy of “healthy mother, healthy baby.” The team of board-certified OB/GYN general and robotic surgery providers has a highly personalized approach when it comes to taking care of you and your baby. Call today to learn more about the services available or to set up your obstetrical care consultation. You can also conveniently book online anytime, day or night.

Obstetrical Care Q & A

What is the first trimester in obstetrical care?

In obstetrical care, the first trimester lasts from weeks 1-13 of your pregnancy. At this stage, your body undergoes several changes in response to your baby’s development.

At your initial obstetric visit at Women's Healthcare of Norman, a sonogram determines your due date and ensures your little one is developing normally.

You also meet with your provider to review your current and existing health status and to provide you with more individualized care for the duration of your pregnancy.

You can expect to have routine and special blood tests during your first trimester and screening tests to evaluate your baby’s risk of conditions that may affect their health.


What is the second trimester in obstetrical care?

Many women feel better during this stage. Some describe it as a renewed sense of well-being, especially now that the worst of nausea has already passed.

You need to see your Women's Healthcare of Norman provider every month during the second trimester of pregnancy. They check your baby’s development and perform a comprehensive sonogram at 20 weeks.

They may also perform additional tests, such as screenings for spina bifida or diabetes.

To help you prepare for the last stretch of pregnancy, you’re given detailed material about what to expect next, including information about cord banking.


What is the third trimester in obstetrical care?

The third trimester is the last stage before your little one arrives. You may start to feel some discomfort as your body adapts to your growing baby. But don’t worry. The well-trained and experienced obstetrical care team at Women's Healthcare of Norman takes care of your health needs and concerns along the way.

When you reach your 28th week of pregnancy, your provider performs a blood test to screen for anemia and diabetes — conditions that can affect your and your baby's health. They also collect a vaginal culture to screen for bacteria that may affect your baby during labor.

In this last stretch of your pregnancy, you come in every two weeks until your 36th week. By that time, you visit the practice weekly.

You can count on Women’s Healthcare of Norman for all your obstetrical care needs. Call the office to set up a consultation or request one online today.